allabout japan
allabout japan


极其平凡,只是泪腺特别发达。目前就读于同志社大学Liberal Arts。喜欢在看小说看电影听音乐时顺便做白日梦。无论何时都想着玉子烧。

Texan in Tokyo

Texan in Tokyo

Basically, my blog is a window into the life of my husband (Ryosuke) and my entertaining and wonderful life in Tokyo. I post five times a week, switching between blog posts, comics, and videos. Hopefully you find something you like and stick around.

Jinichi Segawa

Jinichi Segawa

All About's photography guide is a professional photographer who also offers seminars, with tips on techniques from scenery to product shots all over Japan. He studied at the University of Wisconsin and the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. His work in All About Japan focuses on Japanese traditional and pop culture, as well as photography.
LinkedIn profile

Anime News Network

Anime News Network

Anime News Network was created as a news source that focuses on the medium of Japanese Animation (anime) and Japanese comics (manga). With in-depth coverage, analysis and commentary to provide insight into the world of anime and manga, ANN has been and continues to be the #1 English language source for anime and manga news on the Internet.



Published in English, OISHII is an informative magazine from Singapore that brings Japanese cuisine and culture to the world.
From traditional Japanese culinary culture to culinary journeys, ingredients to recipes, and distinguished chefs to F&B-related cutting-edge technology, the magazine features insightful articles that touch on every season in Japan.

Meet Japanese Companies with Quality

Meet Japanese Companies with Quality

We're pleased to introduce Japanese companies offering everything from cutting-edge technology to delectable cuisine, high quality components and high fashion innovation. Small, skilled enterprises like these lay the foundation for Japan's economic growth.

Tokyo Weekender

Tokyo Weekender

A premier source of English information and lifestyle content for people living in and wanting to find out more about Tokyo. Est. 1970.