allabout japan
allabout japan


Fun Flying Four

Hannah Curtis是美食博客Fun Flying Four的知名博主。汉娜和她的孩子一道,对8种冲绳特色口味的冰淇淋进行了全方位测评。从琉球皇家奶茶味到芋头色的冲绳田芋芝士蛋糕味,为我们带来了冲绳夏日的多彩味道。如果大家感兴趣的话,一定买来尝尝看啊。

Fun Flying Four

Fun Flying Four is a blog dedicated to our adventures while living in Okinawa … with two young kids in tow. Originally from New Zealand and now living in Okinawa with my Air Force husband and two young daughters. We love to explore Okinawa as much as we can, and when possible we love to travel around Asia.