2019年7月24日 更新 “圣诞夜惊魂”款暗夜精灵面膜降临! Japan Trends http://www.japantrends.com/the-nightmare-before-christmas-face-pack/ 其实,你的肌肤随时都需要呵护,就像人离不开衣装。想要获得完美紧致肌肤,时常敷一敷面膜是必不可少的。但敷面膜如果单单是为了好皮肤,是否有些单调呢?没错,面膜也是讲情趣的哦。这款“圣诞夜惊魂”面膜除了能滋润肌肤表层,还足以满足你对面膜视觉要求的所有期待。推荐大家在各个季节使用这款面膜润肤,不过冬季肌肤干燥,这个时间段最最值得一敷! Tags 美容 万圣节 日本药妆 礼品 From design to politics, anime to tech, JapanTrends is devoted to telling the rest of the world about all the things happening in Asia’s most exciting place. High tech Japan? Definitely. Cool Japan? Of course. Wacky Japan? Sometimes. We cover both the good and the bad about Japan, bringing you news and analysis of the latest fashions and trends bursting out of this complex but little-understood culture. www.japantrends.com