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Anime News Network

非营利组织日本财团(Nippon Foundation)正在着手进行一个新的教育计画「这也是学习漫画: 发现世界新提案」,打算将漫画列为青少年的教育教材之一。

参考这个official website网址,里面列出了100个被列为教材候选的漫画作品。并且这些漫画都通过文学、生活、世界、艺术、科学等标签加以分类,网站里的资料也不只涉及故事内容,根据学习对象的具体年龄和学级,也都做了翔实标注。

Anime News Network

Anime News Network was created as a news source that focuses on the medium of Japanese Animation (anime) and Japanese comics (manga). With in-depth coverage, analysis and commentary to provide insight into the world of anime and manga, ANN has been and continues to be the #1 English language source for anime and manga news on the Internet.