All About Japan 作者
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Born and raised in Kent, England, Robert is a recent graduate of Tokyo University specializing in media economics, and now lives in Japan working mainly in the advertising industry. In his spare time he enjoys travel and photography, and discovering new tonkatsu restaurants.
生於中國北京。現任《人民日報海外版日本月刊》總編輯、《日本新華僑報人民日報海外版日本專刊》總編輯、《環球時報》駐日特約記者、東方出版社東京分社總編輯。其評論中日關係等問題的新浪博客「蔣豐的博客」總訪問數約有 1 億 4000 萬,新浪微博「蔣豐的微博」關注數約有 90 萬人。 2013 年被選為「新浪網最有價值專欄作家」,更是「中國人中介紹日本的第一把交椅」。
I'm a Japanese translator and writer. Besides work and occasional translation projects, I enjoy listening to music (of any kind) and surfing the Internet.
I'm a blogger, traveler and freelance writer living in Gifu, Japan. Originally from Melbourne, Australia, I have lived in Japan now for over 12 years.
自2007年起,先後作為學生和英文老師,來往於美國和日本之間,目前是自由撰稿人。同時,我還是一位瑜伽狂熱愛好者, 非常喜歡泡溫泉,絕對去過一些超乎想象的超熱溫泉。
韓國人,現居埼玉縣。2001與日本男性結為夫妻,2004年開始經營部落格,以自身經歷介紹在日生活的吃喝玩樂與文化,並在2008年至2012年,連續4年獲選Naver Blog的海外生活部門具有影響力部落客的榮譽,追蹤人數已超越7,000人(2017年11月現在)。
I am a writer based in Tokyo and passionate about sharing the awesomeness of Japan with the rest of the world!
通過微博帳號「林萍在日本」,以文章、視頻、直播等方式,發布日本最新的資訊。作為在日中國人知名博主受到關注,有多次在日本媒體上受訪和出鏡的經歷。在中國的微博和線上直播平台「一直播」上的關注人數皆超過 100 萬人。
台北人,現居日本5年。經營臉書粉絲專頁「凱酥の東京側錄」,擁有3萬名粉絲,並介紹第一手日本資訊。目前更以Video Blogger的身分,透過獨道的個人影片傳遞日本觀光資訊。
I’m a freelance writer who has lived in Japan for three-and-a-half years. I cover an eclectic mix of video games, pop culture and travel. Outside of writing I enjoy hiking, exploring the world, and liberal amounts of karaoke.
I’m a daydreaming artist, sipping tea and yearning to discover the "mysteries of life." Jokes aside, I’m always up for new adventures with my trusty camera and notebook to document my way!
I’m a Tokyo-raised actress and dancer studying anthropology and archaeology at the University of British Columbia. My not-so-secret identity is a black-belt Bujinkan ninja, and I also love the great outdoors.
Actor, director and writer who called Japan home for nine years before moving to NYC. Lover of the stage and all things Final Fantasy. Hobbies include drawing, gaming, gym, and cooking (not simultaneously).
Writer, director and photographer based in the Kansai region of Japan. Passionate about finding unique places to travel to, and also the performing arts.