Andrew Lee
I'm a writer now, but have been a jack of all trades when it comes to publishing, including designer, editor, and creative director. I was at The Japan Times newspaper for 10 years, which I rebranded and redesigned in 2017. Since leaving the JT, I've been studying wine and I am currently doing the WSET Diploma. The main focus of my writing these days is the wine of Japan.

AAJ Editorial Team
We love Japan, and we hope we can help you find something you can love about it, too! We're always looking for something fun, weird, exciting or intriguing to highlight just how fascinating this place can be.

일본 국립공원
UNESCO에 등록된 세계자연유산 세 개와 세계문화유산 세 개를 포함한 일본의 34 국립공원의 아름다움을 알아 보세요.

Heena Yang
안녕하세요. 한국팀 리더 양희나입니다. 여행&푸드 중심으로 가깝지만 먼 나라인, 일본의 숨겨진 매력을 소개해드리겠습니다. 부족하지만 여러분의 즐거움을 위해 항상 노력하겠습니다 :)

Headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, SoraNews24 is a bilingual news blog. Since our humble launch in 2008 we’ve built a massive fan base by reporting the interesting, strange and random.

Kari Stern
I was born and raised in southern Minnesota and have always dreamed of living in Japan so in 2015 I studied abroad in Tokyo with my husband. I'm currently finishing my undergrad in Minnesota and will move right back to Tokyo as soon as I graduate!
Katrina Vinluan
After working as an editor for Summit Media, the leading publishing company in the Philippines, I went to business school in Tokyo to prepare for the building of my future social enterprise that combines the elements of my Creative Source, Travelvocacy, and Ministry of Food. Nowadays, while learning Nihongo, I’m writing my memoir Made in Japan, while hosting and cooking for the PhilippineRoving Restaurant, promoting cultural exchange in Japan. My favorite words are write, eat, travel, yoga, and