Making the Old New Again
Got an old, rusty knife? Hand it over to Togitogi, the professional knife sharpener who smooths off the rust while making the blade razor-sharp!
Got an old, rusty knife? Hand it over to Togitogi, the professional knife sharpener who smooths off the rust while making the blade razor-sharp!
Orange Range, the band behind some of Naruto and Bleach's best-known opening theme songs, will have you craving sliced raw fish after watching their new music video.
This series has made such an impact in such a short amount of time that fans have begun to wonder just how much money is riding behind the show.
No, it's not an ad for domestic cleanser: "Toire no Kamisama" is a 10-minute acoustic elegy for Kana Uemura's grandmother, and quite possibly the sweetest thing you'll ever hear in a Kansai accent.
The rivalry of two great gaming companies led to one console being all but forgotten.
In these jaw-dropping videos, TokyoStreetView has truly captured the beauty of Japan through the camera's lens.
This plucky droid moves, speaks, projects images and delivers your beer. What more could you ask?
"Sayonara" features real android Geminoid F as the helper of a woman dying of radiation poisoning in a bleak future.