Cup Noodle vs Michelin Ramen—A Taste Test
Can the same ramen in Cup Noodle form taste as good as the original from a Michelin-starred restaurant?
Can the same ramen in Cup Noodle form taste as good as the original from a Michelin-starred restaurant?
One Japanese restaurant chain is upping the ante by not only providing customers with an endless supply of sushi, but customers can also gorge on desserts, French fries and even ramen!
Okinawa has a very unique vibe. It's laid back and the Okinawan diet seems to be entirely different from that in Tokyo. We've listed for you here things that you'll only find in Okinawa and shouldn't be missed while you're there.
San Francisco-based publisher Immedium is looking to extend its series of multicultural kids' books with a look at the origins of ramen! Hungry for more? Find out how you can support this delightful project on Kickstarter!
There are many lists out there claiming to identify the top Japanese foods, but not all of them represent what people here in Japan normally eat on a regular basis. We have here the Top 10 foods that are actually eaten here in Japan!
Relive the magic of 'Kiki's Delivery Service' with this commercial that takes place four years after the original movie.
Megumi Hayashibara, Bump of Chicken and manga artist Eisuke Kubonouchi come together to create an amazingly inspirational anime short for popular Japanese food company Cup Noodle.
What happens when you put a freestyle soccer champion in samurai armor and send him around the streets of Brazil? This—this is what happens.