36 Japanese Words to Describe Train Otaku
Are you into collecting train stamps, or is taking pictures of trains more your thing? No matter what your passion for trains may be, the Japanese language has a word for it!
Are you into collecting train stamps, or is taking pictures of trains more your thing? No matter what your passion for trains may be, the Japanese language has a word for it!
Take a look at seven extraordinary award-winning toys that deserved design certification.
When it comes to calorie intake, not all sushi is created equal. So if you're looking for healthier options, be sure to follow these tips!
This workshop at the Shiba Park Hotel covers a single basic but fun point: how to write your name in katakana, hiragana and phonetic kanji. Best of luck with your brush technique!
The Texan in Tokyo duo set out to attempt the impossible: Not only will they say bilingual tongue twisters, but they will also try them while drunk. Find out if they survive the test!
Learn how to avoid this common misunderstanding between Japanese and English by learning about situations where "yes" means "no."
Access ancient Japanese texts at a click of a button with a new database courtesy of The National Institute of Japanese Literature.
Japan has more than 100 ways to describe snow. Here are six of the most interesting varieties!