What to Do When You're Sick in Japan
Find out how surgical masks, Pocari Sweat, 'okayu,' doctors, and Japan’s National Health Insurance fit into the mix!
Find out how surgical masks, Pocari Sweat, 'okayu,' doctors, and Japan’s National Health Insurance fit into the mix!
Even the land of the rising sun occasionally has stomach problems. Between the language barrier and the sheer amount of medicines available, such delicate situations can be a lot to digest. We're here to help!
Famous for its mountains and idyllic landscapes, Gifu Prefecture also produces many natural beauty and health products from its natural springs. Try any of these three products and feel rejuvenated in the comfort of your home!
Never miss a day of work with these in your medicine cabinet!
Sushi seems kind of healthy, since it doesn't weigh down your digestive system much. And fish is healthy—right? So what could go wrong?
Inch your way across the court in Caterpillar Rugby, a game that allows people with physical disabilities to participate on the same level as able-bodied people.
Ken Endo returned to Japan in 2012 after researching robotic prosthetics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He now aims to help a Paralympic sprinter shatter the Olympic speed record.
Japan's darling figure skating champion faces herself in a Matrix-style rumble for cold medicine.