A Complete Sushi Guide in One Picture
Don't know what to order? Refer to this handy and informative pictograph!
Don't know what to order? Refer to this handy and informative pictograph!
While conveyor belt sushi restaurants are also quite common in the West, Japan has brought this kind of eatery to the next level—with automated sushi!
When people travel to a foreign country, they tend to try to pick up a few key phrases before they go: how to say hello, how to ask for the bill at a restaurant and so on. You can do that for Japan as well, but the truth is, you actually don’t need to.
A few common greetings will help break the ice with your Japanese counterparts.
Think you can handle watching these drone-shot videos and not be compelled to visit Japan? Just try!
An 18th birthday is a great occasion for a trip to Tokyo.
The secret to ninja stealth may lie in the daily need to squat.
It's best to know enough of the local language to navigate to the nearest lavatory!