More Sushi Suitcase Covers!
Well, this could be one way to either get a fair amount of attention from airport security. Or a laugh. Or both.
Well, this could be one way to either get a fair amount of attention from airport security. Or a laugh. Or both.
Dresses, bags, skirts, rings and more!
Don't worry, it's not made out of cats—but a purchase could actually help one.
While it may seem like something out of a fairy tale, Kit Kat has officially announced it will start selling Kit Kats encased in real gold!
Check out the key bits of kitchenware and what-not that every sushi connoisseur needs to have on hand.
Toilet paper that gives fruit roll-ups a whole new meaning.
Six fun accessories for the sushi-obsessed!
This sushi candy blows all other fake food out of the water—because it can actually be eaten, of course!