Bespectacled Rice Made by Farmers with Glasses
This product literally puts a face with a name!
This product literally puts a face with a name!
If you're in the mood to make a burger but find that you don't have any buns or beef patties, why not try using rice and yakiniku?!
Kids love it when mama makes their meals with familiar character faces! Check out this video to learn how to make the cutest burger ever!
Fresh-baked bread is a yummy treat, filled with love and warmth and wheat. Knead the dough and let it rise, YouTuber Ochikeron's here to advise!
Vegans out there know that dining out can be quite expensive, especially when looking for meat substitutes. But this video will show you how to make tofu burgers that are both delicious and made with easily obtainable ingredients.
Call us sushi philistines if you will, but sometimes we want to eschew the raw fish and go for sushi with a little more substance and a taste of home. Luckily, sushi train stalwart Sushiro has an interesting selection on the menu.
If you feel that Japanese food servings are too small for your liking, this giant of a list will give you some hefty reasons to reconsider your opinion!
The culture of 'kawaii' may well have influenced both burger chains and hole-in-the-wall cafés to come up with burgers that are not only tasty, but also Instagram-worthy.