Learn Some New Hand Puppetry... or 'Poop-etry'
Poop emojis have been popular in Japan for years, where the Japanese word for poo, unko contains "un," which sounds exactly like the word for good luck, leading the emoji to be used as a symbol of good luck exchanged between friends before big events like tests, performances, and interviews.
By SoraNews24
The swirly-shaped, multi-tiered poop emoji has become well-known in other countries as well, but now there’s a new trend catching on that shows you don’t have to have an electronic device to send your poop signals out to the world.
— たつたがわ (@GAWA_TaTsuTa) September 14, 2019
俺は家族を信じたい pic.twitter.com/ehtcCj5JHQ
Twitter user @GAWA_TaTsuTa shared this image online recently, showing his younger sister’s rendering of the image, using just her hands and fingers.
Not only does this hand symbol have the outline of a poop emoji, but the folds of skin between the knuckles adds some wavy layers in between, showing great attention to detail.
The young woman behind the creation predicted it would go viral, and that’s exactly what happened, as the tweet was retweeted more than 50,000 times and received over 180,000 likes in just two days.
私が学生の頃編み出したハンドサインサインがこちらです pic.twitter.com/iagQjV0AOG
— みあ@オーダー制作中 (@mia_0327) September 15, 2019
The tweet also prompted other Twitter users to share their own hand-poop emojis as well.
— フルーツなすび逃げてー! (@Ri__t_o) September 16, 2019
影ですけど!() pic.twitter.com/mGRaSbHgLq
The love of cute excrement is certainly strong in Japan. After all, this is the land of high-tech toilets, Unko Kanji Drill practice books, a sleuthing Butt Detective, a poop mascot, turd ice cream, and the Unko Poo Museum.
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