Osaka Café Has Proof That Cats & Baths Do Mix
Look around wherever you happen to be in Japan and you will likely find a cat café or two located nearby, with some offering unique experiences like doing yoga in the midst of the adorable critters. Rescue cat café Neko Yokujo in Osaka definitely belongs in the “unique” subset of cat cafés.
By SoraNews24
Neko Yokujo's storefront and interior are intricately decorated with motifs and paintings to create an ambiance that one might find in a traditional Japanese public bathhouse.
Customers can cuddle with the rescue cats or just lie down and chill out with them. What’s more, taking photos and uploading them onto Twitter is also encouraged, the best pictures of which will be awarded vouchers for more visits to Neko Yokujo.
Although various time options are available, we recommend taking the one-hour course that comes with unlimited drinks (1,500 yen [US$13.80]) for the most bang for your buck, allowing you to spend quality time and shower these rescue cats with love.
As the establishment is part of Neco Republic, an organization determined to save Japan’s homeless cats, the store also serves as a place for people hoping to adopt one of the furry buddies and provide them with a new home. So give Neko Yokujo a whirl and see if you can spot a cat lounging in the bowl or staring aimlessly off into space.
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