An Inexpensive Way to Make Bath Bombs
Store-bought bath bombs aren’t too hard to come by, thanks to handmade cosmetics stores across Japan, but bath bombs are also pretty easy to make yourself. Not only that, if you pop by one of Japan’s ¥100 shops (the equivalent to a dollar store in the U.S.), you can get all the ingredients you need to make yourself for just a few hundred yen!
By SoraNews24【夏休み】お風呂でしゅわっと溶ける“バスボム”の作り方--材料は100均でOK♪ #バスボム #入浴剤 #100均
— えんウチ (@enuchijp) August 12, 2017
Baking soda – 100 grams (3.5 ounces)
Citric acid – 50 grams
Katakuri starch (or potato starch) – 50 grams
Water – small amount, in a spray bottle
Scented bath powder – 2 to 3 pouches, or
Essential oil – 5 to 10 drops
To make:
In a bowl, add the baking soda, citric acid, and starch, and mix well. Add in your scented bath powder or essential oil if desired and mix. Then, using a spray bottle, give the mixture about five spritzes of water at a time while stirring. If starts fizzing, you’ve added too much water! You want to add just enough for the entire thing to feel damp, and to start holding together when pressed with your fingers.
Next, pack the mixture into molds to dry. Silicone molds work best, as they allow for easy removal, but any shape will do. Let sit for a half to a full day, until completely hardened, before removing from the molds. Once dry and hardened they’re ready to use, or to give away to friends as great little personalized gifts.
The bath bombs hold together pretty well, also making it a fun activity to work on with little kids as they can help stir, pack, and remove from the molds. It’s a fun and inexpensive way to pass the time when you’re indoors trying to avoid the scorching summer heat!
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