Japanese Highschooler Wows With His Cute Looks
Japanese high school student @ginsyamu has amassed a huge following on Twitter for his ability to dress like his fellow female high school students. And he’s not shy about his gender ambiguity either as he writes in his posts.
By SoraNews24彼女(彼氏)と下校なう。
— “ぎんしゃむ” (@GINSYAMU) June 13, 2017
って使っていいよ。#彼女目線#彼氏目線#どっちやねん pic.twitter.com/7Dy8FQXqEe
“Feel free to use this with the caption ‘Coming home from school with my girlfriend (boyfriend).’ #GirlfriendGaze #BoyfriendGaze #WhichIsIt?”
毎日エンジョイリア充大学生じゃないから浮腫んだ顔面のあんまり盛れてない自撮りしか載せるものが無い許してくれ pic.twitter.com/JzQ9u1LsZt
— “ぎんしゃむ” (@GINSYAMU) July 12, 2017
“Since I’m not a carefree college student yet, all I have to post are swollen-face tired-eye selfies. Please forgive me.”
すっぴんでぶりっこ pic.twitter.com/enZduFoV9H
— “ぎんしゃむ” (@GINSYAMU) June 15, 2017
“Looking cute with no makeup on.”
At only 15 years old, @ginsyamu is still quite young, but has already amassed over 70,000 followers on Twitter alone.