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You Only Turn 20 Once, so Spice It Up!

The second Monday in January is known as Seijin no Hi or Coming of Age Day in Japan. This is a day when local governments hold a ceremony to celebrate everyone who had turned 20 in the previous year and welcome them into adulthood. One of the more famous of these places is probably Kita-Kyushu in Fukuoka Prefecture where you'll see this...

By SoraNews24

Much of the criticism comes from the way the costumes highlight symbols and fashions of “yankee” (hoodlum) culture in Japan such as punch-perms (short hair with tight curls), mullets, pompadours or gold print on black clothing.

Many young adults were carrying flags or paper fans with their region’s name printed on them. Also, a whistle would blow occasionally, causing groups of the men and women to shout out the name of their community.

While some may sneer at their flamboyant clothing which celebrates certain anti-social behaviors, if you see it first-hand, you'll see what Coming of Age Day in Kita-Kyushu was all about. These men and women realized that you only become an adult once in your life, so you might as well make the most of it.

For more amazing pictures of Kita-Kyushu's Coming of Age Day ceremony, click on the full story below from RocketNews24.

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