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That's Not a Photo!

That's Not a Photo!

Japanese Twitter user Shinichi Furuya has the remarkable talent of being able to draw lifelike black-and-white pencil portraits of famous celebrities. Don't believe us? Check out some of his works below!

By SoraNews24

This photo of Kasumi Arimura showcases Shinichi Furuya's pure artistic talent. Fans of Studio Ghibli’s latest (and possibly final) anime film, When Marnie Was There, might recognize her since she provided the voice of the mysterious Marnie.

Look at the detailing on this image of actress and singer Yui Aragaki, like the tiny skin pores and glossy reflection on her eyes and lips.

The whole thing was done with a pair of Staedtler-brand Lumograph carbon pencils, in 7B and 8B hardness. As proof, here’s a making-of video.

Other muses for Furuya and his considerable skills have included Satomi Ishihara, the live-action Attack on Titan’s Hange...

...and Suzu Hirose, who looks almost as real in Furuya’s drawing as she does in her suggestive instant noodle commercial.

It’s not just Japanese stars that catch Furuya’s fancy, though. Here he is drawing an amazingly lifelike portrait of Taylor Swift, and the video’s one-hour-plus run time shows it wasn’t a rush job (and that's just her nose!).

So with all this much artistic talent, Furuya must be a top manga artist or graphic designer, right? Nope. According to his Twitter profile, he’s “a middle-aged businessman who wasn’t able to become a professional illustrator.”

We’ve got to say, whoever passed on giving him a job as an artist made a huge mistake.

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