Let the Power of the Clow Dry Your Hair
If you’re looking for a little extra justification in dropping some cash on anime memorabilia, you’ll be happy to know that the latest piece of Cardcaptor Sakura merchandise is not only awesome to look at, but serves a practical purpose for anyone with hair on his or her head.
By SoraNews24
Anime fashion company Super Groupies is now taking orders for its Card Captor Sakura hair dryer. Since Super Groupies is known for its high quality and thorough design sense, it wasn’t about to do a halfhearted job by simply slapping a couple of Sakura stickers on a pretty pink dryer. No, the company went all out and created a hair dryer that’s shaped like magical girl Sakura’s iconic Sealing Wand!

Just as Sakura acquires multiple magical powers in her transformation from ordinary elementary school girl to anime heroine, so too does the ¥9,500 (US$89) Sealing Wand dryer sport multiple capabilities, with high and low-speed settings plus a cool air mode for delicate tresses.
Preorders can be made here through the Super Groupies website until May 8, 2016 with delivery scheduled for mid-July of the same year.
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