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An Inside Look into Japanese Graphic Design

Have you ever seen an advertisement or poster and thought: “Wow, that looks very Japanese”? There is just something about Japanese design and the unique sense of style. Lucky for us, Mary Stribley, a writer for graphic design website Canva‘s Design School, compiled a list of 10 common elements of Japanese graphic design. Let's see what they are!

By SoraNews24

6. Organic Floral Patterns

6. Organic Floral Patterns

Ikebana, or flower arrangement, is another deep-rooted cultural activity. Ikebana is also connected to hanakotoba, or “the language flowers,” which dictates that each flower is characterized with specific ideas, symbols, and emotions. Cherry blossoms quite possibly are the most commonly featured flower in art, but next time you see another flower on a poster or package, think about what it symbolizes.

7. Circles/Symmetry

7. Circles/Symmetry

Circles and symmetry have been an integral in Japanese design for a very long time, with mon (circular family crests) at the forefront. This circular design is also seen and admired today with Japan’s extravagant manhole art, in addition to its presence in graphic design.

8. Cuteness

8. Cuteness

Need we say more? At this point we could just drop names like Hello Kitty, Kumamon and Funasshi. “Cute culture” isn’t just for kids in Japan and cute drawings and characters are used even by telecommunication companies (above), as well as just about everything else.

9. High Information Density

9. High Information Density

Have you ever noticed that Japanese advertisements are chock full of text? For many designers and companies, the more information they can give on their posters the better. Sometimes it’s used as a visual tool, but other times, they just really want to put their words out there.

10. Collage & Layering

10. Collage & Layering

Sure, this may look like a jumbled mess at first glance, but really, it is a delicately and purposefully pieced together collage. Layering and busy collages are part of what make Japanese design so eye-catching and unique.

These 10 elements are by no means the only elements of Japanese design, nor are they found only in Japan, but they are 10 craft techniques often utilized by Japanese graphic artists. Next time you find yourself perusing ads or wandering the streets of Japan, keep your eye out for these elements!

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