The Toyota Prius Has How Many Mascots?!
It’s common knowledge by now that Japan, and Asia as a whole, love their mascots. So it should come as no surprise that Toyota’s most recent advertising campaign consists of a bunch of cute girl mascots to help advertise the Toyota Prius. What may be surprising, however, is that there is a total of 40 mascots, each one represent a part of the car!
By SoraNews24We won’t go over all 40 of them here (you can do that at Toyota’s official website), but here’s a selection of some of the best and most ridiculous ones—like girl #01, the engine’s mascot, whose caption reads “Come on, run with us.”
Here’s girl #02: Mascot for the hybrid transaxle. “Yes, yes, sweet efficiency!”
Girl #04: The dashboard’s mascot. “I love everyone! Does everyone love me?”
Girl #09: Mascot for the car’s body frame. “I want to protect everyone!”