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Put Your Paws in the Air for these Manju!

Put Your Paws in the Air for these Manju!

Which will win—your rumbling tummy or these adorable Scottish Fold faces?

By SoraNews24

Scottish Fold Manju was created as a collaboration between Animal Hyakka, a company focused on animal-themed ventures, and Awaya Soube, a Tokyo-based Japanese confectioner established in 1950. The creation of the confections was apparently inspired by the realization that the cat breed looks an awful lot like manju with its delightfully round faces and adorable folded ears.

The Scottish Fold Manju was released in January 2016, and each piece of the new set looks absolutely delicious. They're sold in sets of four with each manju containing different fillings, which are, clockwise from the top left, red bean paste, white bean paste, caramel and chocolate.

As some people aren’t really big fans of cats, Animal Hyakka and Awaya Soube also released Mendako (flapjack octopus) Manju in 2015—and they're no less adorable, as you can see above! They also come in a different set of flavors, which are, from left to right, mango, white bean paste, green tea and strawberry.

Scottish Fold Manju are available exclusively through Animal Hyakka’s Yahoo! Mise store for ¥1,388 (about US$11.80) plus shipping. Mendako Manju are also available through Animal Hyakka’s Yahoo! Mise store for ¥1,296 (about $11.10) plus shipping.

Unfortunately, it looks like only domestic shipping is available, but if you’re desperate to get some animal-shaped manju overseas, you can probably get a reshipping service like White Rabbit Express to forward them to you. However, you won’t be able to save them for long—the manju are recommended to be eaten within ten days of receipt, or within two to three days after opening the package.

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