Heena Yang
Hi there! I'm AAJ's Korean team leader. With a focus on travel and food, I try to uncover the hidden charms of Japan, a land that's close to Korea in many ways, but also quite different. Please enjoy!
Nicholas Rich
I still live in Kawasaki, but I work in the AAJ office now as the English editor. I spend most of my free time studying, reading comics, watching movies and gaming (video, board and tabletop). I love to travel, eat good food and drink.
Ratchawut Cherdchuvanit
Editor of All About Japan Thai. OK at writing, much better at asking people to write. Only ever own one belt.
Website: www.gojapan.com.hk
Robert Lewis
Born and raised in Kent, England, Robert is a recent graduate of Tokyo University specializing in media economics, and now lives in Japan working mainly in the advertising industry. In his spare time he enjoys travel and photography, and discovering new tonkatsu restaurants.
生於中國北京。現任《人民日報海外版日本月刊》總編輯、《日本新華僑報人民日報海外版日本專刊》總編輯、《環球時報》駐日特約記者、東方出版社東京分社總編輯。其評論中日關係等問題的新浪博客「蔣豐的博客」總訪問數約有 1 億 4000 萬,新浪微博「蔣豐的微博」關注數約有 90 萬人。 2013 年被選為「新浪網最有價值專欄作家」,更是「中國人中介紹日本的第一把交椅」。