All About Japan

올 어바웃 PH Two Chua
A food enthusiast and a lover of world culture, among many other things, PH is now in Japan for the fourth time as a graduate student. She decided to indulge in her first love, writing, as she embarks on a journey of discovering herself and the world between her passion for the arts and her studies in international affairs.
일본의 매력이란?
Food—definitely the best!
나가노의 특산품 스위츠 TOP 4

나가노의 특산품 스위츠 TOP 4

나가노에서 친구들과 동료들을 위해 어떤 특산물을 무엇을 선물하시겠나요? 당연히 사과 스낵이지요!
