Innovative Aichi Illumination Made by Plumber
In a small town in Aichi Prefecture, a plumber and his family have created an icy winter illumination to warm the hearts of visitors.
In a small town in Aichi Prefecture, a plumber and his family have created an icy winter illumination to warm the hearts of visitors.
Gorgeous throughout the year, Matsushima offers an incredible nighttime illumination of autumn leaves that has to be seen to be believed!
Summer is the season where things really heat up in Japan's northern region of Tohoku. Here's why you definitely don't want to miss it!
Fireworks festivals are a staple in Japanese summer. We'll take you to the biggest firework festival in Japan, Omagari Firework Festival, where you can bear witness to 20,000 fireworks by masters from all over Japan shot over the course of an evening.
It was very hot when we went to Sendai, in Miyagi Prefecture, to see this gorgeous Tanabata Masturi, but nothing can stop us from having fun!
Here's our quick guide to the different heating pads you can purchase in Japan to keep your whole body warm.
When traveling around snowy regions in Japan by car, you'd better prepare your vehicle in advance to survive scary road conditions and frosty weather. Check out our to-do list before departing for snow-covered lands such as Hokkaido, Tohoku and Hokuriku.
Survive the harsh Japanese winter by cuddling up in bed with this hot little number.