The 10,000 Hours Approach to Japanese
Will investing 10,000 hours into studying Japanese make you fluent?
Will investing 10,000 hours into studying Japanese make you fluent?
Most people assume that learning a language is easier with a Japanese spouse, but it's not as easy as it seems.
What better way to use your language skills than making friends all over the world while avoiding being crushed to death by spiked ceilings or knocked into a bottomless pit?
Video producer David Haruyama sits dows with AAJ to talk about his background, where to film in Tokyo, and advice on filming in Japan.
A few common greetings will help break the ice with your Japanese counterparts.
Meet the American man who became the only non-Asian to pass the top level of the Japan Kanji Aptitude Test.
Struggling to start with Japanese? Let Tako lend you a hand—or five. Wait, five?
Destroyed by a landslide in 1966, this gorgeous village has been reborn as a stunning open-air museum at the foot of Mount Fuji.