The 6 Main Types of 'Omamori'
These good luck charms can provide you with all kinds of special help!
These good luck charms can provide you with all kinds of special help!
Built to withstand and even take advantage of their environment, these singulse structures known as gassho-zukuri can only be found in two villages in Japan. So why not spend the night in a UNESCO-recognized farmhouse?
Take a stroll through Kyoto’s Yamashiro region, the historical nexus of Japanese tea production, with a history dating back some 800 years.
American photographer Patrick Tsai is part of a team helping to internationalize and revitalize the island of Shodoshima in the Seto Inland Sea.
The Henn-na Hotel has garnered global interest because robots handle many of its services.The hotel’s management concept is also designed to trim labor costs and conserve energy as well!
Let's take a quick look at some trivia about various regions in Japan that are known as subculture hotbeds!
A foreigner’s foray into a few of Japan’s more offbeat cultural aspects.
As in many countries, city traffic in Japan may be congested and not much fun. But once you get into the countryside and the mountains, driving in Japan can be a real pleasure.