3 Animal Dances in Miyagi
Where could you see a dozen tigers dance on a rooftop? Head north to Miyagi!
Where could you see a dozen tigers dance on a rooftop? Head north to Miyagi!
These animals look like something straight out of our nightmares!
Rare Pokémon and everything you need to catch them are waiting at Hamacho Park.
This incredible Hokkaido zoo has been attracting 3 million visitors per year by making the visitors the animals' toys.
What would you do if you spotted one of these on your towel—after you'd used it?!
Are you a cat or a dog? Japan has several ways to describe a person's personalities based on animalistic behaviors. You might even be a penguin!
Get up close and 'puursonal' with these kitties on an island that's just a hop, skip and a jump away from Tokyo.
A whole zoo devoted to the common squirrel? Of course—it’s Japan!