A Cat's Eye View of Takehara
Forget about catching Pokémon, in the town of Takehara you can explore the streets and collect cats through the town's interactive website.
Forget about catching Pokémon, in the town of Takehara you can explore the streets and collect cats through the town's interactive website.
Be careful when breaking out this one—sometimes the person you’re pitying doesn’t want your pity.
Don't let Tokyo prices deter you from coming home with souvenirs—you just need to know where to look!
Take a four-minute tour through all the weird and wonderful stuff at Daiso, Japan's largest ¥100 chain.
Being an ALT is a resource-intensive profession. The ¥100 shop has almost everything you need to be ready for the classroom!
You may know Daiso, Seria and Can★Do—but have you heard of Watts? And do you know the differences between them?
Japan has a desert? That's right! The Tottori Sand Dunes are Japan's largest desert, a 16 kilometer by 2 kilometer (9.9 x 1.2 mi) strip of sand located on the Sea of Japan.
Join us for an introduction to one of Japan's most provocative performance arts!