Visit an Eerie Grove of Buddhist Statues
This village of Buddhist statues is either the beginning to a really good Miyazaki film—or a really terrifying Japanese horror film.
This village of Buddhist statues is either the beginning to a really good Miyazaki film—or a really terrifying Japanese horror film.
Ready to become an expert on the white, fluffy deliciousness that is tofu?
Japanese visitors are falling in love with the gorgeous gardens and traditional rooms at this atmospheric inn.
While the festival itself is well known in Japan, even most Japanese people aren't familiar with the various performances to be seen at Nagasaki's raucous Kunchi Festival.
Learn all about the Meiji Restoration in the city of Kitakyushu.
Spend a day hugging the edge of one of the world's largest calderas, meander through eight boiling 'hells,' let yourself get buried in steaming hot sand, and even visit Hello Kitty—there's an incredible array of things to be done in Kyushu!
Of the 23 sites in Japan recognized by UNESCO for contributing to the nation's Meiji Era industrial revolution, 16 are located in Kyushu.
We can appreciate Japan for all sorts of reasons, but MBA talent consultant Damon Mackey points out a big one for both business and personal needs—convenience!