A Jack-o'-Lantern That Bridges Cultures
Jack-o'-lanterns might have originated in Ireland, but this pumpkin uses motifs such as flowers, vegetables and fruits that are reminiscent of traditional Thai carvings.
Jack-o'-lanterns might have originated in Ireland, but this pumpkin uses motifs such as flowers, vegetables and fruits that are reminiscent of traditional Thai carvings.
You only need two ingredients to make these cute and tasty treats!
How did Halloween go from an unknown word to a month-long festival of freaky fun all over Japan?
What's the difference between Halloween in the U.S. and Halloween in Japan? Grace and Ryosuke from Texan in Tokyo give us the grisly goods!
Halloween has been gaining popularity in Japan, and many people here celebrate this Western tradition by going to clubs to show off their costumes. But how many people hold their own Halloween parties at home?
Mario, Pokémon, Link, Star Fox and more are brought to life artistically through the same process used 200 years ago.
If you're thinking of traveling or move to Japan, the Japan Guy is here to tell you why fall is a great time to come.
In a city famed for cosplay and seasonal celebrations, you just know Halloween is going to be epic! And we've got 17 great things lined up for you!