New Cat Café Has Historic Style
Get a heaping dose of historic atmosphere at the Edo Cat Café in Tokyo!
Get a heaping dose of historic atmosphere at the Edo Cat Café in Tokyo!
Tokyo is a massive metropolis, with many hidden areas you're unlikely to find in any guidebook. Check out these lesser known spots just begging to be photographed!
Do you know which Japanese castle was toppled by a party? Or how kabuki was invented? Japan has over 1,500 years of recorded history, and some pretty amazing things have happened in that time!
If you're looking to avoid temples and shrines congested with tourists, you may want to try visiting one of these other traditional places of worship!
A month of near-constant rain and intense humidity can make cleaning a real chore. But these simple tips can help you keep you and your home clean and tidy during rainy season.
While Japan's countryside always offers breathtaking views of nature, these man-made farms built near mountains are true wonders to behold in rural communities.
Need some colorful flowers in your life? Check out these hand-picked spots to find gorgeous hydrangeas in Shinjuku, Kamakura and other areas in and around Tokyo this rainy season!
Don't let bad weather rain all over date night! These Yokohama date spots will help keep the spark of romance alive even when it's wet outside.