Travel to Toyama to Peek the Japanese Alps
Who knew Japan had its very own Alps? And they are right in the heart of the nation.
Take Your Prefectural Pride on the Road
These stylish license plates feature iconic imagery from prefectures throughout Japan, so you can show off your prefectural pride every time you hit the road!
The 11 Best Things to See in Golden Week
Golden Week is the biggest holiday of the year in Japan, and these 11 spots and events each offer something unique that can only be experienced at this time of year. You don't want to miss them!
Discover Secret Scenic Spots in Japan
Minshuku Japan Tips From Locals
Japan’s natural scenery and local cultural experiences are drawing more and more international visitors off the beaten path.
13 Places to Go Canyoning in Japan
With so many rivers and mountains, Japan offers plenty of prime canyoning territory. Here are 13 great places to go canyoning in Japan!
5 Must-See Cherry Blossom Sites in Hokuriku
Hokuriku has many quaint and historical places, including eye-filling viewing spots of cherry blossoms that have attracted a large number of international visitors. We're going to show you five of the top spots the region has to offer!
12 Great Hikes in Japan's National Parks
You can follow the trails through Japan's national parks to mountain peaks and coastal views—and sometimes both at the same time!
Touch of Tradition with Modern 3D Cutter Cabin
This remarkable wooden cabin was constructed locally in the mountains of Japan using a Shopbot 3D wood cutter, with minimal impact on the environment. Click to learn more.
Travel to Toyama for a 300-Year-Old Festival
The most popular festival in Hokuriku, the beautiful Owara Kaze-no-Bon festival has been held for 300 years to appease the typhoon winds and ask for bountiful crops.
The Nobel Prize Road Between Toyama & Gifu
A little known fact about Japan: there is a long road between Toyama and Hida Takayama that just happens to be the connecting thread between five Nobel laureates, which has earned this stretch of highway the nickname of "Nobel Prize Road".
12 Amazing Mountains in Japan's National Parks
Many of Japan's most beautiful mountains can be found in the nation's 34 national parks.
Delivering Holy Stones to a Mountaintop Shrine
Shinto priests are on a mission to deliver holy stones to a shrine on the summit of Mount Tsurugi in central Japan.
Affordable Travel to Snow Wall Yuki-no-Otani
Make time in your schedule to visit the snow wall, Yuki-no Otani, this spring using our cash-saving tips.
World's 3 Snowiest Cities All in Japan!
If you've never lived in Japan, you may now know the nation has sort of a thing for snow. How much snow? Well, the world's three snowiest cities are all in Japan! Can you guess which ones they are?
Discover an Alpine Land of Natural Beauty
Home of the northern Japanese Alps, Chubusangaku National Park is a fantastic destination for lovers of the outdoors!
21 Top Spots Outside Japan's 'Golden Route'
Many tourists concentrate on the so-called 'Golden Route' connecting Tokyo to Kyoto and Osaka. But what do you do if you want to get off the principal tourist highway and see the best of the rest? Here are Japan's 21 best off-the-Golden-Route spots!
Stay in 'Real Japan' at this Traditional Home
If you want to set foot in 'real Japan,' the ideal accommodation is waiting for you in Inami, a small rustic town in Toyama Prefecture where more than 200 active carvers chisel wood.
10 Snow Spots in Japan Perfect for Instagram
If you want to get your 'Gram game going while traveling in the land of the rising sun in winter, make sure to keep in mind these Instagram-worthy spots for your itinerary.
Japan's Top Music Festivals
Summer Festivals Summer Vacation
Summer is upon us, and that means one thing—the country is rocking with a wide variety of awesome music festivals!
10 Free Spots in Hokuriku
Japan's Hokuriku region offers plenty of appealing tourist attractions—and not all of them will cost you anything! We're here to show you 10 free spots in the region that are too good to miss!