Let Frieza Power Up Your Phone
Super powerful villain Frieza can not only charge up your phone, but he also has a sweet side to him that's apparent in his very own marshmallows.
Super powerful villain Frieza can not only charge up your phone, but he also has a sweet side to him that's apparent in his very own marshmallows.
Are you all thumbs when it comes to making your own origami? Then jet off to Ehime and purchase some uniquely designed animals and objects for less than ¥50!
Stroll—or rather scroll—your way through two of the world's busiest stations.
This mind-blowing optical illusion isn't the color you think it is.
MythBusters' Adam Savage explores Ghost in the Shell’s coolest practical effects at Weta Workshop.
Love just might be one click away!
Are you really tired of paying those cash-on-delivery fees every time you order something online because no credit card company will accept you? If you have a Japanese phone number, the solution is right at your fingertips!
University of Tokyo robotics engineer Takuya Umedachi is working on synthetic 'soft-body' technology capable of complex and flexible movement.