Checking Out Tokyo Game Show 2017
Come join us as we take you on a tour of Tokyo Game Show!
Come join us as we take you on a tour of Tokyo Game Show!
Complete with transformations from Unicorn Mode to Destroy Mode, this new giant Gundam statue in Odaiba is hands down better than its predecessor.
A new technique developed by researchers at Waseda University is giving old photographs a vibrant and colorful new life.
Japanese artist Yukiko Morita combines lighting design and baked goods to create a new home décor trend that's 'on the rise.'
You're only a click away from having your very own guided tour of Japan's most popular spots without spending a dime.
Our guide to the cheapest options for getting a phone contract in Japan.
JLPT surely stands for 'Just Let People Trade' right? Joking aside, we're bringing you a list of five of the best Japanese shopping websites, ranked by the level of Japanese (according to the Japanese Language Proficiency Test) needed to access them.
The world's first ever electronic 'taiko' drum will be played on stage with the internationally recognized performance group Kodo.