Pepper Rocks with Asian Kung-Fu Generation
Pepper, the programmable humanoid robot that can detect and respond to human emotions, reveals his beatboxing skills.
Challenge Aims to Make 18-Meter Gundam Move
Proposals are being entered for methods to make Odaiba's iconic Gundam walk, and possibly even grapple, by 2019.
Anime Robots Evolved Hand-in-Hand with Toys
The history of Japanese robot anime is one reason for Japan’s global reputation for being “robot country.” Anime and film critic Ryusuke Hikawa explains.
Real Android Makes Movie Debut
"Sayonara" features real android Geminoid F as the helper of a woman dying of radiation poisoning in a bleak future.
The Real Wall-E of Snow Clearing
Thanks to this snow-eating robot, your days of shoveling snow may be over!
Top 10 Coolest Toys at Tokyo Otaku Mode
There's lots of fun stuff over at Tokyo Otaku Mode that keeps us hovering over the 'add to cart' button. Here are 10 of our most tempting favorites!
Putting the AI in Samurai
Combining the modern with the traditional, a new robot emerges from the land of the rising sun.
Shodo Robot Combines Technology with Tradition
Watch a robot that can perform the delicate art of Japanese calligraphy.
Robot Ballerina or Cute Toy?
These adorable electronic floor-cleaning devices blur the line between cleaning products and toys—as your cat will surely demonstrate!
Buy a Giant Robot for ¥120 Million on Amazon!
Ever wanted to pilot 3.8-meter (12½-ft), 5-ton robot? Why not just buy one online!
How to Play Go
If Google's AlphaGo program can learn this traditional two-tone board game, then so can you!
Moving & Speaking Hatsune Miku Nendroid
If you don't have the time or money to head to a concert featuring this popular Japanese vocaloid, you can now listen to Hatsune Miku sing and watch her dance in the comfort of your own home!
Tomy's Talking Sheep Robot is a Real Cutie!
OHaNAS is a cute, white, sheep-like talking robot that can play music and answer your questions. Think Siri, but adorable.
The Amazing Wearable Robot
The world's first wearable robotic device for medical and wellness applications was developed by a professor at the University of Tsukuba.