Top 12 Must-Visit Eateries in Hakodate
While you can't go wrong when eating in Hakodate, we've got the 12 places you shouldn't miss. Go out and grab a table for the best dining experience ever!
While you can't go wrong when eating in Hakodate, we've got the 12 places you shouldn't miss. Go out and grab a table for the best dining experience ever!
While some ancient castles may be hard to find in Japan today, many of their surrounding villages are still standing strong.
These collections of samurai armor, ancient artifacts and futuristic technology are sure to pique your interest.
What's an anime or gaming otaku to do in Japan? Check out its massive anime- and gaming-related events, that's what! From the Tokyo Game Show to the World Cosplay Summit, there's plenty to see throughout the year!
JLPT surely stands for 'Just Let People Trade' right? Joking aside, we're bringing you a list of five of the best Japanese shopping websites, ranked by the level of Japanese (according to the Japanese Language Proficiency Test) needed to access them.
Three Japanese cities made it to the top 25 of most livable cities in the world, and you may or may not believe what is No 1!
Many tourists concentrate on the so-called 'Golden Route' connecting Tokyo to Kyoto and Osaka. But what do you do if you want to get off the principal tourist highway and see the best of the rest? Here are Japan's 21 best off-the-Golden-Route spots!
Travel website TripAdvisor has just listed this year's hot spots in Japan as selected by overseas visitors and we can't wait to see what's at number one!