6 English Words with Secret Ramen Messages
Get ready to be bowled over by the wave of words that have “ramen” hiding in plain sight!
Get ready to be bowled over by the wave of words that have “ramen” hiding in plain sight!
Nissin Noodles honors the inventor of instant noodles with the Momofuku Ando Instant Ramen Museum in Osaka.
Since its arrival from China, ramen has been reshaped and reimagined into countless regional variations across Japan.
Ramen streets have become hotbeds for talented chefs and aspiring cooks looking to perfect their recipes.
The Cupmen series are adorable little characters that hold the lid of an instant ramen cup while it's cooking.
Quite possibly one of the most economical meals on the planet, ramen’s presence has seeped its way into modern English slang.
Don't let the thickness of this rich tonkotsu soup scare you off! These restaurants are serving up some serious noodles in Osaka.
We're not going to even pretend that a comprehensive style guide of all the ramen out there is possible, but we'll do our best to give you something to noodle over.