Japanese Highschooler Wows With His Cute Looks
Japanese high school boy amazes netizens with his cute girl-next-door looks and giving his female classmates a run for their money!
Japanese high school boy amazes netizens with his cute girl-next-door looks and giving his female classmates a run for their money!
Comedian Naomi Watanabe will have you in stitches as she explains her down-to-earth beauty techniques.
We’ve seen some crazy trends in fashion come out of Japan, but this is definitely one of the most unusual yet.
Sailor Moon’s Cosmic Heart Compact will transform your cheeks as a gorgeous blush container.
If you're looking to explore Japan's bevy of beauty and makeup products, but are unsure of how to start channeling your favorite idol or model, look no further!
Beautifully adorned tins featuring some of the studio’s beloved anime characters are being made for a limited time.
Halloween is all about celebrating the creepy, spooky and downright terrifying, and these makeup videos will teach you how to create the most horrifying effects to amaze (and disturb) your friends and passersby.
Halloween in Japan has become bigger, but that doesn't mean you have to spend big money to enjoy it!