12 Key Phrases for Getting By in Japan
Whether you're visiting for the first time or staying for a while, these simple phrases can help you get around in Japan without getting lost—or lost in translation!
Whether you're visiting for the first time or staying for a while, these simple phrases can help you get around in Japan without getting lost—or lost in translation!
Learning Japanese has never been easier with the help of these four fun Instagram accounts geared toward key aspects of Japanese study!
Whether you're a first-time visitor to Japan, a current resident or simply studying the language, if you want to impress your friends with some Japanese try out these incredibly useful onomatopoeia expressions!
Japan has an almost overwhelming amount of delicious food to choose from when dining out, but the language barrier can be intimidating. With these helpful phrases for navigating Japanese restaurants deciding what to eat will be the hardest part!
'Gomen' and 'kudasai' are great for travelers and students, but if you’re going to be successful and happy working in Japan, you’ll want to know these phrases as well!
With the help of ladies in kimono, sumo wrestlers and schoolgirls in fox masks, you too can learn to speak the distinct dialect of Japanglish.
The top unique aspects of Japanese culture and their kanji counterparts.
Dating apps are getting more popular Japan, as it gives people easier access to find dates and meet new people. Just like everything else in Japan, there's lots of jargon hiding the true meaning. Here are some common terms we've decoded for you.