The Ultimate Itinerary in Kamakura
Here’s how you can have the best of everything in just one day in Kamakura!
Here’s how you can have the best of everything in just one day in Kamakura!
Spend a day hugging the edge of one of the world's largest calderas, meander through eight boiling 'hells,' let yourself get buried in steaming hot sand, and even visit Hello Kitty—there's an incredible array of things to be done in Kyushu!
There are many sightseeing trains in Kyushu, with a wide variety of entertaining events going on in the trains and around the stations. We'll show you how to have much more fun than just looking out the window!
Introducing the natural landscapes and gorgeous harmony you'll find only in Kyushu!
Tokyo’s great, but it’s nice to get away from time to time. Fortunately, from the capital, the short-trip traveler has access to some great weekend-away spots. We've selected some of the classics, and assess their travel budgets.
Now with over 1,000 pages dedicated to showcasing Japan, Stefan Schauwecker started japan-guide.com as a hobby after befriending Japanese classmates at an English school in Vancouver, Canada.