12 Things to Do in Ibaraki in Spring
From plum blossoms to cherry blossoms and hydrangea, there are wonderful things to discover in Ibaraki from February to late June.
From plum blossoms to cherry blossoms and hydrangea, there are wonderful things to discover in Ibaraki from February to late June.
Since the 2015 opening of the Hokuriku Shinkansen line, the Hokuriku area of Japan has been getting much more attention from tourists. Kanazawa in Ishikawa Prefecture is especially popular with its abundant nature and rustic environment.
The transient nature of cherry blossoms is an essential part of their beauty, but no one wants to be left in the dark when it comes to finding the perfect spot to see them.
One of Japan’s best-kept secrets, Kanazawa is a beautiful city famous for its rich culture and history, including areas frequented by geisha and samurai.
The folks over at RocketNews24 have compiled a bucket list for the top places to visit in each prefecture—and we have to say these pictures have us already packing our bags!
Join our writer Nick as he travels to Aizuwakamatsu, in Fukushima Prefecture, to get a deeper look at the rich history and culture the city has to offer.
If the heavy winter snow or rugged mountains didn’t keep you away, the stories of roaming bandits and forest monsters would! But nowadays people come to Tohoku to explore folklore, sacred rituals and natural wonders thousands of years in the making.
Have you ever made soy sauce by hand? Neither had Rachel! Follow her journey through the 'Rising Dragon' of Japan, a route that travels through Shizuoka, Aichi, Ishikawa, Gifu and Nagano Prefectures.