86-Year-Old 'Ironman' Still Going Strong
A Japanese octogenarian is the world’s oldest to complete the world's toughest triathlon competition.
A Japanese octogenarian is the world’s oldest to complete the world's toughest triathlon competition.
The chic eyewear store Gogito Ergo Sum Tokyo displays its merchandise on a transparent maze of paneling over running water! Can you make it through without making a splash?
It's amazing to see what ¥100 can buy! It's even more amazing to see what DIY projects some creative customers are able to accomplish using only materials from ¥100 shops!
Traveling to Japan with prescription medication? Find out how to enter the country properly and hassle-free!
Japan is becoming increasingly aware of different dietary lifestyles, which is great! But the language barrier can prove especially difficult when trying to find some gluten-free grub to enjoy in Tokyo or Yokohama. Don't worry—we're here to help!
This stunning video tourism project will leave you ready to plan your next trip north of Tokyo!
These face packs transform you into 'Star Wars' heroes and villains; just the thing to re-moisturize your skin from too much time on dry Tatooine.
If you're confused by all the buttons on a modern Japanese toilet, we're here to decipher all those mystifying symbols.