Artist Onogawa's 1-Centimeter-Wide Origami
Naoki Onogawa is sending up a tribute to the survivors of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami with his incredibly tiny origami prayer cranes.
Naoki Onogawa is sending up a tribute to the survivors of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami with his incredibly tiny origami prayer cranes.
A violin made from the lone pine tree that survived the March 2011 tsunami in Iwate Prefecture is featured at a memorial concert held in Tokyo on the 10th anniversary of the disaster.
Artist Yuri Shimojo turned a way to deal with the pain of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami into peace-filled art with her "Memonto Mori" series of mandala-like paintings.
As one kokeshi doll workshop's owners began cleaning up their shop, a flash of genius stuck them: why not equip their topple-prone traditional dolls with lights that can be used in case of future earthquakes?
Nine years after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami on March 11, 2011, and Japan is still on the road to recovery. But one grieving couple found some comfort in the rubble.
Japan has thousands of earthquakes every year, which can be scary if you don't know what to expect! Learn all about earthquakes in Japan, including how to prepare and what to do when it happens.
This time-lapse video of Ofunato, in Iwate Prefecture, helps show how far Tohoku has come in its recovery efforts, and how far it still has to come.
Thanks to ¥100 shops, you can be prepared for a natural disaster even with a modest budget.