Are You Coming or Not?
Depending on whether you live in the western or eastern part of Japan, this phrase is interpreted in two different ways!
Depending on whether you live in the western or eastern part of Japan, this phrase is interpreted in two different ways!
Count on us to help you find the perfect seaweed to go with a variety of Japanese dishes.
Looking for some adventurous yet healthy food options? Get a hold of these three sticky, slimy foods—if you can!
Soybeans are one of the most-used plants in Japan, with countless recipes calling on one or several soy products. Here are 10 things made from soybeans you'll surely encounter while you're in Japan.
Ever wondered how to get creative with this popular Asian citrus? Read on for a list of amazing recipes!
Ready to become an expert on the white, fluffy deliciousness that is tofu?
Spend a day hugging the edge of one of the world's largest calderas, meander through eight boiling 'hells,' let yourself get buried in steaming hot sand, and even visit Hello Kitty—there's an incredible array of things to be done in Kyushu!
We can appreciate Japan for all sorts of reasons, but MBA talent consultant Damon Mackey points out a big one for both business and personal needs—convenience!