Smartphone Samurai Get Picked Off by Ninja
NTT Docomo's smartphone safety video warns that texting while walking may make you vulnerable to ambush.
NTT Docomo's smartphone safety video warns that texting while walking may make you vulnerable to ambush.
Hamada Bamyu Bamyu is a comedy act parodying Kyaru Pamyu Pamyu. His first single is appropriately entitled, "What the heck?"
Canadian rakugo sensation Katsura Sunshine offers a brilliant breakdown of some of the key quibbles of the Japanese language.
Canadian rakugo comedian Katsura Sunshine riffs on some of the more ridiculous points of the Japanese language—including, in particular, the 47 ways he knows how to say "Thank you."
We’ve got automated hot water dispensers, ice makers, coffee machines and soda fountains. So why not an automated instant ramen maker, complete with onions, carrots and a choice of hard- or soft-boiled egg?
Quite possibly one of the most economical meals on the planet, ramen’s presence has seeped its way into modern English slang.
Classic Ghibli reproduced in 8-bit glory!