7 Nifty Knick-Knacks to Keep Around the House
Once again, Japan’s ¥100 shops prove that they're truly on the next level.
Once again, Japan’s ¥100 shops prove that they're truly on the next level.
Want to know the best, cheapest spots for fall colors in Japan?
Places in Tohoku can be quite spread out, so if you're traveling through a number of spots in the area, a train pass or bus pass is your best bet.
If you're into hot springs, we've got details on the hottest discount ticket to Hakone!
Don't be blinded by that ¥100 tag, some things just aren't worth it!
You can do plenty of personal hygiene at the ¥100 shop. But while most cheapo products in Japan hold up pretty well, ¥100 hygiene tends to come with a few trade-offs.
Save both time and money with these amazing gadgets for ¥100!
These hot items, remarkably only ¥100, are sure to improve the quality of your life—or at least make it a little more interesting!