Getting Started with Maid Cafés
Maid cafés have been around since the early 2000s, but if it’s your first time, you may want to know what’s in store before heading over.
Maid cafés have been around since the early 2000s, but if it’s your first time, you may want to know what’s in store before heading over.
When you miss the last train, why not crash in a place with a free drinks machine?
"Quarter circle forward + punch" sold separately.
Sailor Moon Crystal iPhone cases fit the 6 and 6s. Galaxy users presumably get Queen Beryl.
Buildings transform into giant robots in Mitsui Real Estate Residential’s stunning anime commercial.
An "itasha" is a vehicle covered with anime stickers. But a coupe or sedan only gives you so much sheet metal to work with.
The Ghost in the Shell director makes an unexpected pick for a characteristic reason.
Awkward images of Levi, Armin, and other Survey Corps members watch visitors pee.