Why I Stopped Teaching as an ALT
The Japan Guy explains his reasons for ending his career as an Assistant Language Teacher in Japan.
The Japan Guy
Donald Ash is an ATLien expat who has been living in a Japanese time warp for the last seven-plus years. While in aforesaid time warp, he discovered that he absolutely loves writing, blogging, and sharing. Donald is the creator, writer, designer, editor, programmer and occasional bad artist of thejapanguy.com blog (yeah I know... way too many hats huh?). Wanna know more about this guy? You can find him at thejapanguy.com!
The Japan Guy explains his reasons for ending his career as an Assistant Language Teacher in Japan.
There are no winners in the 'kancho' game. But lots of kindergartners and elementary school students love playing it. Find out how to spot it before you, too, become a victim!
Do you know the secrets of 'zokin-gake'?
In Japan, paper-rock-scissors is known as 'jan-ken-pon.' Children here use it to decide virtually everything—and this means that if you're a schoolteacher, 'janken' is one of the very first skills you need to pick up!
The Japan Guy takes us through the Inaba Brewery on a snowy day—and reveals what lies behind a certain mysterious little door!
As a (mostly) non-drinker, The Japan Guy has a pretty good memory of what happened at the 'izakaya' last night. Here's his take on the whole affair.
After detailed investigation, The Japan Guy has determined that Japanese public school lunches beat the pants off the lunches at his elementary school back home.
I decided, once and for all, to figure out the differences between a temple and a shrine.
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